Steam Name: jawz
Roleplay name: Jacob Mcdonald
Your current playtime: Garry's Mod = 987 hours / Server = 1 Hour & Counting
Have you donated: No
Have you ever been banned from Team Quigly: No & most likely never.
Why you think you should be a staff member: Well first, I really like the server and how custom it is which can bring a community and I will love to interact/help w/ the upcoming community. I can direct players or even other staff members if they ever need help, I know once I can get a few hours in and know basically everything about the server I can do that for the community. I do have past admin experience (s), I was a T-Mod - J-Admin on a DarkRP server that has died and we were small populated but every now and then we might have 20 people. Also staff on a discord if that matters lol.
That's all I have to say, thanks ~ jawz